1960's Retro Gift Hamper

30% OFF RRP..Remember the Swinging 60's with this 'design yourself' Hamper. Packed with gifts that bring back memories of your childhood years. Hamper includes as Standard - 60's Sweet Pack, 1960's Double CD, 1960's dated Coin, 'With It' replica magazine, plus items your can choose from our drop down boxes ..Great gift idea for a 60th Birthday or special occasion.
Stock Status : Out of Stock
Product Code : 60HAMP
Product Brand : Sweet and Nostalgic
1. Mug
2. Metal Sign
3. Playing Cards
4. Memorabilia Pack
5. Time of your Life DVD Choice
6. Gift Message (Optional)

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1960's Reto Gift Hamper

You will not find this Hamper anywhere else on the Web !

Made up exclusively by Sweet and Nostalgic, it comes packed full of 1960's Nostalgic Gifts, this unique hamper is the perfect gift for that special occasion, and perfect for a  60th Birthday Present.

Included in the price is :

- One of our unique 1960's retro sweets pack containing goodies such as
  Anglo Bubbly, ABC Candy, White Mice, Sherbet Fountain and more..
  (see the retro pack here),

- 5 x CD Pack featuring 100 tracks from the swinging 60's. 

-A replica 'With It' magazine from 1963. 48 Pages

- An original coin dated from the decade of the 1960's

- Choose one of our 60's themed mugs (select your favourite from the drop down menu) 

- Choose one of our Nostalgic Metal Wall Signs (A5 size) from the drop down menu.

- Choose one of our nostalgic playing card sets from the drop down menu.

- Choose one of our fantastic Memorabilia Packs from the 1960's fromt the drop down menu

- and finally, choose one of our Time of your Life DVD Cards dated from a year in the 1960's

All of these goodies are packed into one of our Luxury hand assembled Hamper style box.

Whew !...and...On top of all of this we can even add a gift message for your recipient and drop ship it direct to the special person (choose alternative delivery address through the checkout).

Weight : 2500grams

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