Vintage Kitchen Storage Tins
Nice Cup of Tea? They say home is where the heart is, but the heart of our home is our kitchen. So, why not fill it with vintage kitchen storage tins? It’s the hub where we all congregate. It's the first place we go when we arrive home and want a comforting cup of tea. Tea bags are a great convenience and would look superb stored in an airtight storage tin. However, good old fashioned tea, like our grans used to make, kept in a beautiful vintage tea caddy, is a special kind of tea.
Rumour has it that tea bags are increasingly being shunned in this age of environmental and health awareness. After all, who wants to pre-package something which, in its natural state, is already perfect? Why should we gild the lily? Natural is good, and tea in a beautiful metal tea caddy is vintage good! Moreover, just opening an air tight tea caddy is to anticipate a really lovely, strong cup of high quality tea which tea bags just don’t provide.
Environmentally Friendly
You can store all sorts of things in kitchen storage tins from pasta to lentils, from biscuits to buns. Storage tins are so much more environmentally friendly than plastic and so much prettier too! If you are trying to go plastic free, our vintage storage tins could be the answer. They scream pure quality, longevity and history. Create the illusion of tradition in your kitchen with a vintage style, which old fashioned metal storage tins can bring. Metal kitchen storage tins will add real character to your home and help you feel more responsible towards the planet. For more tips on how to be environmentally friendly in your kitchen, visit Web MD.
Iconic Advertising Styles
Storage tins often feature iconic advertisements, they are a work of art in themselves. Whether it’s gorgeous Chinese style art works illuminated in gold and red on black metal tins or the iconic cornflakes or coca colalogo storage tins. Of course, the advertisment doesn't have to be kitchen related! It might be you love cars, mopeds or motorbikes. Storage tins featuring well known brands like Harley Davidson, Vespa and VW could add a great alternative theme to your kitchen!
Kitchenalia is a really fun collection to build up and you're only limited by your imagination. If you want a high end elegance, why not choose Audrey Hepburn storage tins to store your bits and bobs in. Everyone loves to have things organised and tidy in these days of zen storage and Marie Kondo tidying. There are product specific storage tins, for cat biscuits, popcorn and cookies, so why not start building your own compilation?
For Everyday Use
Our storage tins are great for storing all manner of odds and ends, from photographs to sewing kits. You can even turn one into a handy kitchen first aid kit or mini medicine cabinet with all your emergency medication. They’ll keep everything tidy and from getting squashed. If you need to store some important paperwork safely, there’s no better way to do than a metal storage tin, they're ideal for receipts! So what are you waiting for, get your metal storage tins today and reorganise your kitchen.
Here at Sweet and Nostalgic we have a wide selection of Vintage Kitchen Storage Tins. Come and have a look at what life was like in 20th Century Britain, our products give you a warm nostalgic flavour for this wonderful time. Our range covers the whole of the 20th Century, so there's something on our site for everyone interested in the most influential century that the world has known to date.