Happy Families Card Game

Happy Families is a traditional card game that has been a firm favourite for many a year. Collect the most family sets of four to win this highly entertaining card game ! Featuring all the familiar families, this brilliant illustrated edition dates from 1905 and was probably played by your great-grandparents. Fun game for families!
Stock Status : Out of Stock
Product Code : HAPFAM

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Before the intrusion of television and the distraction of computer games, homes rang with the sound of laughter as families had fun around their tables. Part of our range of classic card games that has been faithfully reproduced from the originals, capturing the essence of a more innocent era.

Happy Families is a traditional card game that has been a firm favourite for many a year. Collect the most family sets of four to win this highly entertaining card game! Featuring all the familiar families, this brilliant illustrated edition dates from 1905 and was probably played by your great-grandparents. Fun game for families!

Box Size : 13.5 cm x 8.5 cm x 2.2 cm
Weight : 125gms


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