Harry Potter Hogwarts Artifacts Magnet Set

Featuring a selection of some of the iconic artifcats from the Harry Potter stories including, the sorting hat, the golden snitch, polyjuice potion and the letter sent to Harry Potter. Magical magnets for your fridge, freezer of magnet display board!This is a great gift for fans of Harry Potter, a slice of the Wizarding World.
Stock Status : Out of Stock
Product Code : HPMAGART
Product Brand : HMB

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Harry Potter Hogwarts Artifacts Magnet Set
Featuring a selection of some of the iconic artifcats from the Harry Potter stories including, the sorting hat, the golden snitch, polyjuice potion and the letter sent to Harry Potter. 8 Magical magnets for your fridge, freezer of magnet display board!This is a great gift for fans of Harry Potter, a slice of the Wizarding World. Please note, as this is shipped directly from our supplier, we are unable to provide a gift message with this item (although the option will still automatically show at the checkout).

Weight : 100g

Dimensions : 7 (h) x 9 (w) x 2 (d) cm

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