Liquorice Root

Bundle of 3 Liquorice Roots. Known by some as Spanish Root, Spanish or Liquorice Wood. A Blast from the past, with health benefits.
Stock Status : In Stock
Product Code : LRoot
Product Brand : Simpkins

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Liquorice Root

The liquorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a medicinal plant known to man since the most ancient of times, for the extract obtained from it. Books on Chinese medicine and the ancient Indian Brahamanistic tradition both agree on including liquorice among the substances having a godlike effect on the human body.  Great quantities of liquorice were found among the treasures of Tutankhamen's tomb.  Its beneficial characteristics were listed by Hypocrates the doctor for the cure of asthma, cough, pulmonary diseases, intestinal problems, the healing process of wounds.

Bundle Weight : 40gms

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