V.E. Day (Victory in Europe) Newspaper

Replica World War Two Newspaper featuring the occasion of Victory in Europe. The Daily Sketch May 8th 1945 reports on the V.E. day, when a 2 day public holiday was declared. In addition to this the paper features photographs of famous London landmarks, articles, adverts and radio programmes of the day. An excellent educational resource for pupils studying World War II. Likewise and important read for WWII enthusiasts.
Stock Status : Out of Stock
Product Code : NewsVE
Product Brand : Memo

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Victory in Europe Newspaper

Replica World War Two Newspaper featuring the occasion of Victory in Europe. The Daily Sketch May 8th 1945 reports on the V.E. day, when a 2 day public holiday was declared. In addition to this the paper features photographs of famous London landmarks, articles, adverts and radio programmes of the day. An excellent educational resource for pupils studying World War II. Likewise and important read for WWII enthusiasts.

Weight : 120gms

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